Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008: The Rocky Road to Glory...

I received a fortune for purchasing mainstream Chinese from a place called Panda Express. It's funny how you can spend a small amount of money and they will hand out fortune to anyone that treads within this place.

Fortune cookies became popular in California by Japanese immigrants living in San Francisco. It was derived from China in the fourteenth century during the invasion of the Mongols. A man by the name of Chu Yuan Chang decided to relay messages to people to form an uprising against the Mongol army, so he inserted messages made from rice papers in the center of a dessert called moon cakes. Since the Mongols never ate the yolk, they were completely clueless of what was going on. Hence, an uprising went down and the Mongols were chased out of China. To this day, this honorary act is now known in China as the Moon Festival. People would pass out moon cakes to each other in remembrance of hard times.

Now it is not sure whether or not these moon cakes were the inspiriation of today's fortune cookie, but it was a damn good story to tell in order to segue to my next point. After eating my two-entree plate and protein shake, I got to my favorite part: the fortune cookie. I normally snap it in half and eat half-by-half until it I am left with the paper. Normally, I never read what is written, because it says stupid vague things like: "You are going to do something different today"; or "You are going to order another two-entree plate because Panda Express is chinese for Yummy." But today, I decided to really read what it said. Instead of throwing it away, it now rests on the dashboard to my Honda.

The fortune cookie said: "The Road to Glory may be rocky, but it will be worth it." It was the inspiration that I needed as I was engorging myself in chow mein and orange chicken. It was the inspiration that I needed as life was throwing me so many curve balls.

This year has been the most challenging year to date. So many obstacles I had to cross to get to December 31st, 2008. To be honest, I am ready to let this year go. But in these past 365 days, I have grown tremendously. Sure, a trial may be a bitch most of the time; and yes, I may write three or four blogs bitching about it. But when it all boils down, they are only growing pains.

A teething child cries when enduring the arrival of his new pearly-whites; in the same manner, I have endured my major growing pains that is needed to grow up and become more independent and learn to trust myself more than I trust other people at times.

Romantically: After dating several different guys this year, I found out two different things. To enjoy the times that I have while being single. Learning how to laugh on my own or with friends around me is a very healthy thing for me. I don't NEED a boyfriend, I just WANT one to feel wanted.

The second thing I learned in my romantic facet to my life is that I have the ability to allow someone else into my life and give them a chance as much as I did with Jeff. I remember when Jeff and I talked one night how he told me that this will happen. I was completely skeptical that this was even possible. How funny how it is happening now.

Automobile: I learned to let go of my truck after that freak accident that happened on graduation day that almost killed me (see One Hundred and Twenty Frames per Second). And I bought a new car that I had to change three tires, a muffler, a battery, and the car alarm. Learning how to take better care of my vehicles was one thing I could say I learned here.

Family: Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. Funny how I happen to live with both at the same time. My mom loves me (and my dad still does to an extent) but they are still determined to make me pay for living a "sinful" life.

I know I have grown alot over this year, and if you have been reading my blogs, you would disagree that I am still the lovesick puppy that I still pining over his life and hating his life. But I am just writing this blog to vent out and keep my writing craft still amazing. Throwing in puns, double entendres, and all my amazing hotness all over your ass.

So here's to 2008. I can't wait for it to be over and can't wait to see what 2009 beholds. Hopefully, a job I like, a place I can be as gay as I want, or possibly a boyfriend that won't stop dating because he has a trouble with "commitment."

But either way, the road to glory is going to be hard still, but hopefully things can turn out so I can stop bitching. Because, I am certain you are tired of hearing it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo P, I'm proud of you. By the by chow mein like fortune cookies are an American invention as I'm sure you know. As for moon cakes, they're pretty good but it really depends upon who's making them. The Mongols probably got a bad batch of them which kept them from partaking in such a food item. ;)