Thursday, December 13, 2007


Throughout our lives, we seem to encounter things that become catalysts in changing the person that we are...initially. We all seem to be going through a character arc where we start the Act One in our life as but a small child and finish off Act Three as a wise old man.
Even in the advertising world, we are introduced to the latest fashions. Like wearing a turtleneck? That is SO seventies material. If a girl wants to look fly, she needs to don on a puff jacket with the little fur on the edge of the hood. Man is constantly evolving.
I sit, rather slouchingly, nearing the end of my First Act of my life, I am starting to get in touch with who I really am, what makes me tick, and what makes me melt.
I am writing to you right now to warn you that this is the start of a new series for me. Moving from going to a conservative Christian University into entering the real world and facing reality not from a conservative sheltered standpoint where life is filtered through a bubble; but rather, my life is starting to face some adult themes that I could not have faced if i was still in that school.
But for right now let me introduce myself. My name is Pablo. I am a proud homosexual male. I understand what I am getting myself into by coming out to you so quickly, but I am proud of who I am so far. I am also a Christian...and yes, it is possible to work with the two. Finally, I am a writer. I have been writing and dreaming ever since i had a paper and a crayon. Dreaming is what I do. And honesty is the channel that I find it from.
I am going to be honest and tell you that my life is not some happy-go-lucky story of how I am reaching for the moon and landing in the stars. My life, my world, involves writing about me. Being honest in the things that I write and through that would open a channel of communication and honesty in the process.
As the main hero of the screenplay of my life. To get to the wise old man stage, I need to make my steps in dealing with hard times. I need to make my way in facing my demons. And finally I need to make my way to impact people that read my material.
One little hint of a warning. The subject matter can be hard to read at times. If people can write about the bloody battles in Iraq, I can write about sex, love, and pain. Just read this from a standpoint that involves opening up a channel of communication and not using it to make a cement wall between us. I have gotten in trouble for the things I write with authorities, so let's see how far this rabbit hole goes.