Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Benefits of Cleaning Your Room

Straight men. God. They are so hard to understand sometimes. I mean the male gender in and of itself is a whole book on its own-- and don't make me pull out the facts on the women, thats an Encyclopedia collection there. Males always seem to prove themselves worthy to either the opposite or same gender.
Let's always start with a classic example: the gym. You see the men benchpressing three hundred pounds and totally buffing themselves out not only for their own self-benefit, but also to keep their appearances looking fresh and firm (in more ways than one). This applies to us gays as well, but it's not as obvious as the straight type. I am biased, go ahead sue me.
But it's funny how if you are a straight male, how you always seem to have to prove your sexuality to be true. I found this out when I was watching the super bowl last year. All my friends were hanging out and when one of them said something gay, they had to backtrack to prove that they were not gay.
But this occurs not only within the homo sapien species, but also with other species. Every living thing is in a constant battle to outwit their enemies. But focusing on the male gender, examine the peacock. To win the female over, the male has to show off his wings. Rams have to headbutt each other constantly to fight over the female. The human male, I still don't know their ways. THe only thing that I know for certain that they constantly fight for is their machismo. And within their machismo is their sexual orientation, which they seem to fight over the most. Trying to prove that they are secure (if there is ever a term for them) within their straight manhood.
What does it take for a straight man to ensure his sexuality? If a man does something out of the guy norm, like go to the museum, or watches "Sex and the City", he is considered to be a "friend of Dorothy's." For years, this has been something that I was trying to prove: that if I was masculine enough that I would get the girl, that I would finally get the acceptance/affirmation that I wanted from everyone. Well, times have changed and I found I really don't need to prove anything to anyone but to just be myself. Once I did it was like cleaning out your room. In the process of it all, not only does your room become clean, but you find things about yourself you may have either forgotten or never knew you had. I found mine to be that I am a strong individual that is also gay and Christian. Three of the aspects in my life that I cherish most in my life. I think through these pillars in my life that hold up everything else, I am able to find security in it.
Life does not have to something you have to prove. That is the one thing that is stressed within the traditions of the masses. If you make enough money you can live successfully and your wife will never leave you and you will die happy. If you work out and live on this diet you will lose 200 pounds and people will start to like you. If you become a missionary and go out to the 1040 window and die for Christ/Allah/Joseph Smith you done a good thing. It's all about honor. No honor, you wasted a life. And that is the sad thing.
When I move out, I will live in a roach motel with my best friend making heat by burning my old screenplays and paying off the rent with my starbucks paycheck and his job that I don't know about yet. I know I won't be making alot of money yet, but I know I will be happy. And i think that self-happiness is what we need and to not let other people's reactions to our environment bring us down. Wow, I never knew I could sound so preachy; I sound like Oprah. I must be gay...