Monday, January 7, 2008


January Second. The gym is packed. It pisses me off sometimes with these people that make half-serious proclamations that they are going to lose weight and fit into the size six or their little yellow-polka-dot bikini by summer.
New Year. A new resolution. To some, a resolution is a revolution that contains half-true promises to help you not drink yourself to death. The gym right now, is full of these people going with the most popular half-true promises: getting in shape. The club attendance almost doubles as hopefuls come into the gym looking to fulfill their promise. And it pisses me off.
First of all, let me say this about myself: I am an honest person. If you are pissing me off, you will know. If you see me getting close and telling you confessions, you will know. But seriously, these people do not know how to work out.
I give it about two weeks before they come crawling back to their McDonalds while sipping on their Starbucks latte joking to their friends: "Better luck next year right? I mean I am dieting right now, I have a Caramel Frappichino Light. Next year..."

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