Monday, November 3, 2008

The Greatest Orgasm

The night before Election Day. There is so much anxiety in the air, it's like electricity. By one touch could send a life-threatening shock into the person coming in contact with the other. Even watching the news has sent my blood pressure into staggering heights as I watch the campaigns draw to a close and the latest results on the polls for prop 8 come in. Jeff, who is not religious, was just as nervous as I was and asked that I say a prayer for the both of us.
Maybe it's just me, because I am such a slut, but is this entire anxiety kinda like a person climaxing to their orgasm? The slightest touch could have us either have "blue balls" for another four years (aka...McCain and Bimbo Palin taking office) or have the greatest orgasm in American history (aka...Obama! and Prop 8 being denied!).
There have been such random positions that has built the tension between two parties that you could swear there was the same position in a nearby Karma Sutra. But after this song and dance, I am kinda ready to cum. Ready to feel that possible release and sleep for like 4 years and not have to worry about my jobs being shut down because we have another retard in office.
So with that, go and fucking vote. I want this tension to be over.

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